The ALL-NEW Compass Bathroom Scales

Check out Weatherdon’s latest in bathroom products, the Compass Bathroom Scales. With a style to suit any guestroom, featuring the new battery-free model.
Save time and help the planet with the battery-free bathroom scales from Australia’s leading guestroom products supplier. Just step on the central button and quickly get an accurate reading. No more calls to the front desk to replace the batteries. Hours saved for housekeeping not having to check if the batteries are working.
The Compass battery-free scale has a maximum capacity of 180kg and gives readings in both kilograms (kg) and pounds (lb). It has a large, easy to read LCD display and an elegant 6mm safety glass with rounded edges. There are two additional items to the Compass bathroom range, the black and silver digital bathroom scales. With their neutral, modern design, they are sure to suit any style guestroom.
Compass – The range of quality bathroom and laundry items from Weatherdon, Australia’s premier guestroom supply company.
Company Contact:
Robert Weatherdon – m. 02 9906 2202/ e. [email protected]