Street art in Montpellier, France

Montpellier is a vibrant university city in the south of France (map). It’s definitely one of my favourite cities in France due to its great mix of old and new, in addition to its location near the Mediterranean coast as well as the hilly Languedoc wine region. During my several visits, I discovered many things to do in Montpellier. One thing I loved doing was looking out for street art! The city is filled with street art, from elaborate murals to little gems that passersby might not even notice. The street art in Montpellier is a delight to discover! Scroll down to see some of the interesting pieces I discovered on my walks around the city.


Trompe l’oeil (‘deceive the eye’) mural in Montpellier.

The Verdanson neighbourhood was for many years a popular place for street artists. In recent years, many beautiful pieces have sprung up across the city. Some of my favourites can be found in the old town and the adjacent Saint Roch neighbourhood.


These beautiful portraits can be found in Rue de Lorraine in Saint Roch.

There are numerous Banksy-like pieces.

Another Banksy-like piece.

I loved this piece on a door in Saint Roch.

I also found several examples of these birds around the city.

Trompe-l’oeil in Montpellier

Trompe-l’oeil (in French: ‘deceive the eye’) is an art technique that uses realistic imagery to create optical illusions. It can trace its origins back to Greek and Roman times. For instance, some amazing examples were found in Pompeii. I’ve found examples of it throughout France, but also in many monasteries, churches and abbeys in southwestern Europe. In Montpellier, large trompe-l’oeil murals can be found in the old town and in the neighbourhoods of Rondelet and Saint Roch.

montpellier art

This amazing piece is at Place Edouard Adam.

This piece can be found opposite the Saint Roch Church and depicts a reflection of the church as well as a ‘fake’ building façade.

Trompe-l'oeil mural montpellier

A close look at that mural opposite the church.

A similar mural at Place Francois Jaumes.

The fish street art of Montpellier

As I strolled around the city, I started to notice lots of street art featuring fish. Different types of fish. I found many examples and it was fun to find them but I have no idea why fish is a popular theme.


On my walks around the city, I discovered many different types of fish!


Angel fish


Many types of fish grace the walls of Montpellier.


It’s still a mystery to me why fish is such a theme in Montpellier.

If you’re visiting Montpellier, make sure to look out for the street art! There are many pieces in the old town but venture out to the surrounding Saint Roch, Verdanson, Arceaux and Rondelet districts and you’ll find even more.

See other street art cities around the world.


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