6 Things To Do at Home Before Going on a Holiday
While you are packing and getting ready for your holiday, it might also be a good idea to make sure you are preparing the house for your absence as well. From throwing away food that is soon to be expired to checking the safety and security of your home will make a massive difference once you come back from your trip and you will thank yourself for not leaving a catastrophic mess behind you.
Here at House Sales Direct, we have compiled some of the most important tasks you should do before leaving for a holiday in order to make sure your home is protected and well-maintained while you are away.
1. Tidy Up After Yourself
Packing for a holiday can be rather stressful sometimes when you are trying not to forget anything important to bring with you which then results in a very chaotic and messy experience. Of course, that is not true for everyone and there are some people who love packing and are highly organised but for those who are not it might be a good idea to remind them to tidy up after themselves.
There’s nothing worse than coming home after a pleasant and relaxing holiday and finding a dirty and messy house which is yet to be cleaned. Unpacking is tiring enough after a trip so creating more wrk for you then is just unnecessary and something that can be avoided.
2. Empty The Fridge
Unless you are only leaving for a few days, then you would want to empty any perishables from your fridge so that you don’t come home to a very stinky one. You should either eat, freeze or throw away anything that has a short expiry date.
3. Adjust the Thermostat
Since you are going to be away for a longer period of time, you don’t need your house to be optimally heated and or cooled. That is why you should adjust the temperature or turn it off completely so that you can save some energy. If you can remotely control the thermostat, it would be ideal to keep your house either warm or cool while you are away and only set it to the right temperature just before you come back. That way you will save lots of energy and you will avoid the risk of your heater freezing over wintertime.
4. Take Out the Trash
If you empty the fridge but don’t take out the trash after, it really is a waste of time. The nasty smells will just come out of the trash rather than the fridge which is equally unpleasant. That is why after cleaning up and throwing away things, you should take out the trash as well.
5. Set Lights on a Timer
One thing you could do to prevent break ins is set lights on a timer in order to mimic the presence of life in your house. If your house doesn’t have any lights on at night, thieves tend to monitor that, and they will try to break in those that are apparently vacant. There are many options out there on the market nowadays for remotely controlled smart light bulbs which you could literally control from your phone. You could even upgrade that if you want to feel more secure with smart plugs which can turn some things on and off such as your TV, the radio or any other appliance.
6. Take Care of Your Mail
Something that can give away the fact that you are away from your house is the pile of mail laying around. Nothing screams that a property is vacant more than uncollected mail which is why you should either try to pause any memberships or ask a neighbour or a friend to pick them up for you. What’s more, if you are expecting a parcel, you cannot trust that it will stay in front of your house without anyone snatching it before you come back from holiday.
Making sure that you leave your house in good condition and well protected is really important when you plan on being away for a longer period of time. Surely, there is a lot to plan and prepare for your trip prior, but it is just as important to make some time for your home as well.
This article was written by an online estate agent House Sales Direct. If you wish to sell house fast and for free, then head over to the House Sales Direct website for more property related information and enquiries.